Below are the Acer Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.

04CPU verification; POST start
08Shutdown condition 0; Shutdown byte 0
0CBIOS ROM checksum tested
10CMOS ROM shutdown byte tested
14DMA controller tested
18System timer initialized
1CMemory refresh system tested
1EMemory type determined
20Base 128K memory tested
248042 keyboard controller tested
28CPU descriptor instruction tested
2C8259 PIT tested
30Temporary Interrupts located and initialized
34BIOS Interrupt vectors and routines configured
38CMOS RAM tested
3CMemory size determined
40Shutdown condition 1
44Video BIOS ROM initialized
45RAM initialized and tested
46Cache memory and controller initialized and tested
48Memory tested
4CShutdown condition 3
50Shutdown condition 2
54Shutdown condition 7
58Shutdown condition 6
5CKeyboard and auxiliary I/O tested
60BIOS Interrupt routines setup
64RTC tested
68Floppy drive and controller tested
6CHard drive and controller tested
70Parallel port tested
74Serial port tested
78Time of day setup
7COptional ROM's searched for and started
80Math coprocessor tested
84Keyboard tested
88System initialized
8CSystem initialized
90Operating system boot process started
94Shutdown condition 5
98Shutdown condition A
9CShutdown condition B