Below are the Acer Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.
04 | CPU verification; POST start |
08 | Shutdown condition 0; Shutdown byte 0 |
0C | BIOS ROM checksum tested |
10 | CMOS ROM shutdown byte tested |
14 | DMA controller tested |
18 | System timer initialized |
1C | Memory refresh system tested |
1E | Memory type determined |
20 | Base 128K memory tested |
24 | 8042 keyboard controller tested |
28 | CPU descriptor instruction tested |
2C | 8259 PIT tested |
30 | Temporary Interrupts located and initialized |
34 | BIOS Interrupt vectors and routines configured |
38 | CMOS RAM tested |
3C | Memory size determined |
40 | Shutdown condition 1 |
44 | Video BIOS ROM initialized |
45 | RAM initialized and tested |
46 | Cache memory and controller initialized and tested |
48 | Memory tested |
4C | Shutdown condition 3 |
50 | Shutdown condition 2 |
54 | Shutdown condition 7 |
58 | Shutdown condition 6 |
5C | Keyboard and auxiliary I/O tested |
60 | BIOS Interrupt routines setup |
64 | RTC tested |
68 | Floppy drive and controller tested |
6C | Hard drive and controller tested |
70 | Parallel port tested |
74 | Serial port tested |
78 | Time of day setup |
7C | Optional ROM's searched for and started |
80 | Math coprocessor tested |
84 | Keyboard tested |
88 | System initialized |
8C | System initialized |
90 | Operating system boot process started |
94 | Shutdown condition 5 |
98 | Shutdown condition A |
9C | Shutdown condition B |
February 22, 2014 Categories: