Our Best chance to Defend Net Neutrality

It’s been hard to go a day without hearing news about the Chairman of the FCC, Tom Wheeler, and his highly contested plan for the future of network neutrality.  Google and Netflix signed a letter with nearly 150 other Internet companies calling on the FCC to reconsider its plan, which would purportedly bless the creation of “Internet fast […]

Internet Explorer Compromised XP will not get fix

In the that did not take long department. Not long after Microsoft ends support for Windows XP. The first serious security flaw emerges. This affects Internet Explorer 6 – 11. The flaw allows hackers to remotely run code on your computer with out your consent.  Even though Microsoft will be writing fixes for certain government […]

The Heartbleed Bug and what you should do

The big news this past week in the Geeks.Online and tech world is a security flaw which can be used by hackers, known as the Heartbleed bug. The Heartbleed bug affects OpenSSL, which is used by over 60% of the web to securely send data. The function of OpenSSL is to scrambles (encrypts) private communications between […]

Windows XP: Microsoft Support Ends Soon

Windows XP: Microsoft ends support on April 8th. After April 8th, there will be no more security updates or support for the 12-year-old Windows XP operating system. This is despite the fact that it remains the 2nd most popular OS, with almost a third of PC’s running it worldwide. If you have any computers running […]

AMI & AMIT Motherboard BIOS Post Codes

Below are the AMI Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary. AMI BIOS Text Error Messages AMIT BIOS Post Codes (Prior to April 1990) AMI BIOS Post Codes (After April 1990) AMI 2.2 BIOS Post Codes AMI Plus BIOS […]

ALR Motherboard BIOS Post Codes

Below are the ALR Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.   01 CPU register test in progress 02 Real-time clock write/read failure 03 ROM BIOS checksum failure 04 Programmable internal timer failure (or no video card present) 05 DMA […]

Acer Motherboard BIOS Post Codes

Below are the Acer Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary. 04 CPU verification; POST start 08 Shutdown condition 0; Shutdown byte 0 0C BIOS ROM checksum tested 10 CMOS ROM shutdown byte tested 14 DMA controller tested 18 […]

Phoenix ISA, MCA, EISA Motherboard BIOS Beep Codes

Below are the Phoenix Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary. The beep codes are represented in the number of beeps. E.g. 1-1-2 would mean 1 beep, a pause, 1 beep, a pause, and 2 beeps. Beeps Error Message […]

Dell Computer BIOS Post Beep Codes

Below are the Dell Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer models with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.   Dell BIOS Beep Codes Dell BIOS System Messages Dell BIOS Post Codes Beep Codes Possible Causes Corrective Action 1 – 2 No video card detected Reseat the video […]

Google Offering Unlimited Free Photo Storage

When was the last time you backed up your precious memories? Those photos of your child’s first step, the new puppy, family holidays for example; are something GeeksOnTime never wants you to lose. Since most people no longer print out all of their photographs, new methods of storage need to be used. Having your photos […]